Mutations after the articles and the attributive adjectives


Mutations In singular nouns In plural nouns
Soft Feminine singular nouns Masculine human plural nouns, except those finishing with -où
K > G kador, ar gador kelennerien, ar gelennerien
P > B paner, ar baner paotred, ar baotred
T > D taol, an daol tud, an dud
G > C'H godell, ar c'hodell gallaoued, ar c'hallaoued
GW > W gwastell, ar wastell gwerzherien, ar werzherien
B > V bag, ar vag bugale, ar vugale
M > V mamm, ar vamm mistri, ar vistri
The attributive adjectives of these nouns undergo the mutation
Mutation of the consonant K Masculine singular nouns Other plural nouns
K > C'H ki, ar c'hi kador, ar c'hadorioù
The attributive adjectives of these nouns do not undergo the mutation



- dor, an nor
- tra, an dra; an dra vat
The word tra, which is masculine, mutates as if it were feminine, like its attributive adjective
- ur plac'h vat; ur plac'h vrav
The word plac'h does not mutate. However its adjective does mutate by softening
- an dud kozh; ar vugale glañv; ar baotred pennek; ar vistr binvidik; ar soudarded trist; ar gelennerien dev
When the consonants K, P, T, are at the beginning of adjective, they mutate only when the noun which precedes ends with an L, M, N, R, V or a vowel

